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Hadi Khalilpour
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  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Cyber futurism Enthusiast
  • Telecom Security Specialist
  • Security Architect & Consultant
  • Writer, Manager & Researcher

نسخه فارسی کتاب من

رستاخیز سایبری

هادی خلیل پور

کتاب رستاخیز سایبری با محوریت یک سناریوی سایبری آخرالزمانی به رشته تحریر درآمده و روندها و فناوری‌های منجر به این سناریو در قالب حقایق و فناوریهای روز توصیف شده است. این کتاب بر اساس بیش از پانزده سال تجربه نگارنده در حوزه های امنیت سایبری و علوم داده نوشته شده است.

English version of my book


Cybermageddon is a gripping book that draws on the author’s extensive experience in the fields of cybersecurity and data science, spanning over fifteen years. This insightful work is based on a comprehensive study and analysis of technology trends in these areas, and offers a thought-provoking prediction of the future paths of the world, taking into account the latest developments in information and communication technologies.

The book paints a vivid picture of apocalyptic wars that could unfold in the not-so-distant future, highlighting the alarming possibility of conflicts fueled by information, artificial intelligence, and other applied technologies. The author skillfully narrates facts that confirm these possibilities, making a compelling case for readers to pay attention to the implications of these developments. Whether you’re a technology enthusiast or simply interested in the future of our world, the Cybermageddon is a must-read.

Today quote

The goals are simple: safety and security

The future is now. We are already living in a cyber society, so we need to stop pretending that is not affecting us.